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Saturday, March 28, 2015

I'm so out of this world~

I began to have this feeling that I didn't have for a super long time..

When I'm surrounded with certain people...I feel I was sort of there for nothing.

But yet my presence still mean something. That's what I was told. I feel comforted at some point. But still I wasn't sure of myself, where I stand...

Does that matter a lot? Do I have to go that far to impress everyone? Or is it that there is still this barrier in me and that's why I'm unable to have the attention I wanted to?

Seems like I still can't get over some things...... (>_<)

Have watched Michelle Phan's Pillow talk which made me feel good about this little intimate talk. THIS is inspirational and comforting. ( ̄▽ ̄)

"Boredom inspire new ideas.
This is the moment [alone time] where you can really develop and become the person you will be in the future"

I love what she said. So I should be getting myself having more ideas and inspiration to do all that I want when I can right now.♥♥

Aww and the dreamcatcher at the back of her room! Reminds me that I have one earlier this year.  (^_^) Maybe I should stop all the thinking and worrying but to dream more instead? lol.

Dream and become the person I want to, not for anyone but myself.

I should just be in my own world then~

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