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Saturday, March 28, 2015

I'm so out of this world~

I began to have this feeling that I didn't have for a super long time..

When I'm surrounded with certain people...I feel I was sort of there for nothing.

But yet my presence still mean something. That's what I was told. I feel comforted at some point. But still I wasn't sure of myself, where I stand...

Does that matter a lot? Do I have to go that far to impress everyone? Or is it that there is still this barrier in me and that's why I'm unable to have the attention I wanted to?

Seems like I still can't get over some things...... (>_<)

Have watched Michelle Phan's Pillow talk which made me feel good about this little intimate talk. THIS is inspirational and comforting. ( ̄▽ ̄)

"Boredom inspire new ideas.
This is the moment [alone time] where you can really develop and become the person you will be in the future"

I love what she said. So I should be getting myself having more ideas and inspiration to do all that I want when I can right now.♥♥

Aww and the dreamcatcher at the back of her room! Reminds me that I have one earlier this year.  (^_^) Maybe I should stop all the thinking and worrying but to dream more instead? lol.

Dream and become the person I want to, not for anyone but myself.

I should just be in my own world then~

Friday, March 27, 2015

4th lyric release - 留別

Yeah quite a few Buck-Tick songs have got a deep impression in me. And at certain times their songs just keep replaying inside my head, and then giving me the feels to start writing a song similar to theirs with that same sort of feeling. How is it that I can feel so relateable to them somehow. Lol.

And so, now I have to release this work of mine cos this song Dress just keeps replaying in my mind. Although my work would probably not be any similar to this song at all. But well, is the melody but not the words though. haha.

Dark song once again. It has been a dull week, so....

[Inspired by BUCK-TICK Dress]

The grey skies which conceal my thoughts
The love I looked away the other day
Can I never be awake?

Tears which leave a sigh of misery
why are we left to consign to fate

*Why can't I ever say a farewell
without a sense of guilt
Held by the lonely moon,
I let myself be poisoned again and again

The sunrise which led me lost sight of tomorrow
The unspoken pain I was swallowing forcefully
Can I never be awake?

Scars which hide the pitifulness
why are we facing it alone

*Why can't I ever say a farewell
without a sense of guilt
Held by the lonely moon,
I let myself be poisoned again and again

*Why can't I bring myself to say all
before I'm left with regrets
Held by the lonely moon,
I was poisoned again and again

 I'm probably feeling sad and empty for some reason now.. 

And that is just...grey. 


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My new inspiration: Buck-Tick

Somehow from the start of this year in January I listened to Buck-Tick and was inspired by them so much! They caught my attention while I was watching this dark horror anime 屍鬼 Shiki where Buck-Tick's くちづけ Kuchizuke is the opening song. I kinda like the song when I first heard it. It does match the anime, somewhat horror feels? That sort of rock feel. Lol~

It wasn't the first time I heard of Buck-Tick's songs though. I once listened to lots of Buck-Tick's song last year on Loli-pop Station because of Kagrra,. I happened to come across this web radio site where it plays Kagrra, music at that designated time and I went to listen to it. It was Kagrra, vs Buck-Tick. I have no idea of this band initially if not for this radio site. The Buck-Tick songs that I heard [of cos I can't remember what songs are those anymore] gave me the impression that their style is somewhat electronic rock? I can't describe the genre well anyway. I just remembered that they're rock music style is somewhat different and varies quite a bit. Unlike Kagrra, which is really just traditional rock. So I would say they explore quite a lot which is kinda good for a band? =)

 #Edit: Can't recall who wins until I went back to see the results last years. So Buck-Tick won. I could have guessed so since Kagrra, didn't have any special 'events' by them so far. That's why there's special day for Buck-Tick. *envy*

Can't helped but to mention them now cos they have been my source of inspiration for my lyric writing. I see their lyrics too, and I feel that I can write something like them and so my style has became like theirs! I guess it's cos they're songs are relateable to me, while Kagrra, is too much on demon/spirits/folktale stuff that it's so hard for me to write just like isshi. I think I'm more inclined to express my feeling through lyrics, not to recite a story like isshi. Lol... Can I say so?

Well then, all thanks to Buck-Tick for now. I won't say I'm very into them since I'm not really exploring them but just plain listening. I want to focus on a few singers that I support till now. So I'm just casually listening to Buck-Tick and I won't call myself as their fan. But they're kinda important. If not I couldn't have wrote so much this year without their music with me. Okay, let's just say they have become a little part of my life now. Haha.

Therefore, I'll release some of my works too which is inspired by them. I hope they're good to anyone reading it. Or maybe, lyric release would be a project for me this year. So that I would make myself write more. haha.

Yeah next up, my lyric work coming soon.... (^_-)-☆

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I'm gonna recover soon right..

For the whole week or so, I'm actually having headaches! It comes on and off and sometimes the pain just made me unable to do anything at all. So I can't focus on what I want to do most of the time for the past week. Horrible~! The feeling of unaccomplishment was added on when I fell sick with sore throat and flu. Couldn't sleep well at night. And no matter what, I just can't change my sleeping habit somehow. Sobs. (┯_┯)

Some little things to mention about, I have got insect bites and swollen eyelid out of the blue again. I hate these annoying things that come without any reason. Why why.. I have body aches too, but that was due to me overexert myself while exercising on a weekend.

Whatever is this for this month! I have to bear with so much pain. (>0<)

Anyway, my lips have been drying out a lot too. So much so often this has never happened before. Because I'm still sick so I'm drinking up lots of water like a water tank now. (¬_¬) Ok, I haven't been taking any medicine at all till now cos I think it's all not that serious except the headache. I have recovered mostly now. I just hope that I'll get back all my energy once again. Haha.

Bought a new shampoo this time is a Korean brand. I'm not sure if it's good for me so far? I don't know how to evaluate if a shampoo is good or bad to use. Cos so far all the ones I've been using feels the same to me. And usually the reason why my hair feels dry at times is due to not using conditioner or my hair oil. Otherwise, I'm not that particular about shampoo. But I'm not sure if my hair fall has got anything to do with the shampoo. It's always been like this. I wonder what can I do about it now. How to increase hair growth!! Argh.

So many more things for me to check out and do something about it again. 

I will charge up! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

3rd lyric release - 永々 Everlasting

Up till now I was only able to come up with one song inspired by Kagrra, for this year, in which isn't entirely a happy song. I know it's hard for me to force out writing a happy song much that I want to for this Happiness day March 20th. Well, since this day has come I still wanna post a lyric like I wanted to initially. But not the one song I mentioned earlier on... Somehow I didn't have the feelings to post that yet. I just wanna go by my feelings...So I'm gonna post this work of mine I wrote last year, so seemingly written for my isshi-sama. Since I wrote so much with Kagrra, in mind last year.

It's not quite something so sad right? Although it probably is...

I hope he understands my feelings.

永々(えいえい) Everlasting
Every time I look solemnly at your picture
I got reminded of my childish self
The regret builds up, unrelentingly
a tear falls down my cheek
And the sky began to turn cloudy

To this day, I can only say
"Will you ever be back again?"

*The colours of the land keeps changing, while life continues to revolve
Your smile stays, wrapping me with gentleness
My heart won't stop as my dream will never be lost

Every time I look casually at the sky
I recalled the bitterly happiness that you gave
Touched by this everylasting moment
a tear falls down my cheek
And the sky began to be clear

To this day, I will only say
"Will we ever meet again?"

*The colours of the land keeps changing, while life continues to revolve
Your smile stays, wrapping me with gentleness
My heart won't stop as my dream will never be lost

*My hopes will keep building while love continues to grow
Your voice remains, embracing me warmly, tenderly, passionately, that my heart won't stop
won't stop to see your dream for once

To this day, I will only say
"Will we ever meet again?"

Not quite a happy song but still happy that I posted my works once more!

And cos is something of isshi. My words to isshi...

I'm definitely happy. (^∇^)


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ayu's been in Singapore?

How many times Ayu has been coming to Singapore quietly for yoga mostly, and not letting us know at all? Lol.

Have seen Ayu appearing in local news lately. But I'm already lazy to type out what's mentioned here since the news online appears much faster and this feels like repeating. lol.

The best has got to be Ayu's collaboration with JJ Lin, the pv the Gift that was just out! I only like the song but not the pv though. Ayu's wedding pv with Mannie in Virgin road scores better for me. There isn't much interaction between Ayu and JJ, and there isn't chemistry between them either. It's a little pity for such a beautiful song but I guess that's how they are satisfied with it already. Well, at least they collaborate. My next hope on Ayu coming to Singapore often not just for her yoga but also for her own concert soon! haha.

Next, the wait for Warning pv! Hope it's much better for a rock song!! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Drama Otomen オトメン (乙男)

Watching drama this time cos I happen to come across this series adapted to live drama only instead of anime. Just before this, I was watching Wolf Girl and Black Prince anime and completed the 12 episodes in a matter of 2 days! I was too much into romantic comedy and so I couldn't stop!! But because there isn't much depth in the story so I'll skip posting about it. But anyways, this drama I complete watching it pretty fast too. In about 3 days or so? Except for the last episode I couldn't find it initially so it delayed my time. Well since now I've managed to find and watch it, time for me to post my thoughts! 

I like how the story goes, that this popular guy Asuka who excels at Kendo and looks manly to others, is actually someone who loves girly things. From cooking/baking, sewing cute plushies to reading shoujo manga....But this is a secret and something he doesn't want to reveal to others, and especially his mother, for that he's afraid she'll collapse if she know her son is so much like his father.

And because his father has left them to become a woman, he decided to clear his plushies away for his mother's sake. But look at this lovely room!! It's too cute and comfy for me I want to be in one of those! lol.

This guy is just too talented! For someone to be this good, okay I don't mind him being the popular guy. I mean, I hate typical stories about this popular guy and an ordinary girl that likes him, and how they ended up together.... But this one is good for me. I can accept it since Asuka is not like one of those proud and thinks-he-is-handsome kind. lol. And Ryo being the main female character, can't do any of the girly stuff and so she's just the opposite of Asuka. It's definitely nice to watch how Asuka teaches her with the cooking. He's always been helping her. While I'm just wondering why is the school so nice that you can just go to their kitchen and cook whatever you want when you're free. Why didn't I have the privilege at all? lol. 

The best thing that captures my heart the most is of course the food that Asuka made. It's too cute and lovely to be eaten!

I wonder when can I attain this level. That's what I love Japanese about.. haha.

There are quite a few things I learnt from this drama:
• Pink flowers mean "I love you". White flowers mean "never changing and pure".
• When you finally decide on something,  your motivation rises doesn't it?
• The real recipe is what the person who eats it remembers about the taste, or the person who made it. ^_^
 • And the part on seeing 2 dolphins together with someone means you're fated to be with the person forever!

This drama seems to focus a lot on honesty. Be honest with your feelings. Be honest to yourself. That's what I can conclude.  I'm also simply glad that because of this drama I feel so motivated. There's gonna be more things added to my to-do list plans. I wanna be as skilful as Asuka! How can a guy be so much better in those qualities that a girl should have! There is this thing in me now that I don't wanna lose out! lol. 

Alrights, now let's talk about the ending. I think it ended okay with the both of them running away from those...bodyguards? Somewhat like a typical ending, but still I supposed it was meant to have a good ending so the couple has to run away together. lol.

I don't know is it right of me to think that the ending is just meant for laughs? What's with the kid from the horror episode once again? lol. And for his mother to accept Asuka's decision to be with the person he likes is really quite unexpecting, since her mother has been strongly objecting and making decisions for him all along. It doesn't quite make sense for that part.

And is Ryo so innocent and believed everything that Tachibana said? lol. Unbelievable. (≧ω≦)

This last scene is probably the only thing I like from the episode! Ryo looks really pretty here.

Well then, it's still an enjoyable show. I would love to know a guy like Asuka. Hahaha. v(=^0^=)v

Otomen storyline @ wikipedia

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

List of Kagrra, lives

Upon completion of all the Kagrra, lives that I have watched, it's time for me to collate them to a list! I'll put them according to the year:

01. Kagrra, 陽 You Live VHS Year 2001
02. Kagrra, 風雲録 Fuunroku Live Year 2002
03. Kagrra, Live acoustic performance 2002 [Fan club only]
04. Kagrra, 秘祭 Hisai Live Year 2003
05. Kagrra, 〜開花宣言〜 桜花爛漫 ~Kaika Sengen~ Ouka Ranman Live [Year 2004]
06. Kagrra, 京~古の扉が今、、、~Miyako ~Inishie no Tobira ga Ima...~ Live Year 2004
07. Kagrra, Summer Festival Year 2004
08. Kagrra, 沙羅~懐かしの楽園~ Sara~Natsukashi No Rakuen Live Year 2005
09. Kagrra, 雲燦霧消 Unsanmusyo Live [Year 2005]
10. Kagrra, Various Fireworks Tour Live Year 2006
11. Kagrra, 雫 Shizuku -With a cause, as a result tour 2007- Live
12. Kagrra, 核心 Kakushin ~To inside of the core tour 2008~ Live
13. Kagrra, 神楽~珠~幻戯 Shu Gengi Live Year 2009
14. Kagrra, 終焉~桜舞い散るあの丘で~ Shuuen~Sakura Maichiru Ano Oka De~ Last Live [Year 2011]

01. Kagrra, PSC Live Year 2005 
02. Kagrra, PSC Live Year 2009
03. Kagrra, Auga Winter Year 2005-2006 with Isshi

All these will bring back those awesome memories again, although I kinda regret not doing screencaps for some lives when I just started on watching them. 

Maybe I'll do those, when I rewatch them again.

Yes, another reason to rewatch them all.(>ω<)

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Headache please go away!

My headache is killing me since Wednesday! I wonder what's the cause of it. It really hurts so I thought I'll get better after I sleep. But no, it gets worse! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`) I don't get why the sudden headache and then nausea came. It was horrible and I couldn't eat much since I haven't got much appetite. My sleep is being disrupted in a sense. =(

Maybe it's migraine but why do I have it out of the blue? (x_x)

I don't wanna take any panadol since I heard it isn't something good. But my head hurts a lot! So much that I can't do anything. Thanks to recommendation by Heather, so happens that I have a bottle of lavender oil in my room. I'm using it for the first time! My room is filled with lavender smell. lol. It does help to reduce my headache! And I can't stop inhaling it!! If not my pain will keep coming too... (;´д`)

Have done my collection page! I've been contemplating to do this long ago but I was feeling it's such a chore to open up all my stuffs and note down every single thing that I have. lol. But I think it's still best to be able to have a list and look at what I have and what's missing on my list, since I don't remember all of them? Especially for remix albums. But well, I'm not that fond of remixes it's just that recently, I really can't recall what Ayu stuff that I have. lol! Yeah, cos I simply have too many of them compared to other stuff. =p

I have this Piano sonata album of Ayu I bought years ago from a CD store from Suntec if I'm not wrong. It isn't any official album I just wonder why I bought it when I saw it at that time. Probably cos it's unique. But that's about all. There isn't anything else in the album either. No Ayu pictures to look at. It's a whole boring lot of songs that made you sleep. lol.

But I do remember, that I once posted this at AHS and there was a fan from overseas who PM me and told me that since he has came to sg and so he'll buy this album at the same time! On one hand, I had actually sparked an interest in someone to buy this which is good? But on the other hand, it isn't an official CD so I was wondering did I do a good thing by answering him so that he can buy it. (・・;)

Was he satisfied with this album at all? Is this CD still worth the buy? I have no idea. (。-_-。)

Nevertheless, I'm still owning it. Leaving this as it is and not listened for ages. Oh, I should open and listen to it so that I can sleep well again? Oh but I....  (>_<)

Now I'm thinking if I should attach a picture of all my collection. It's gonna be such a chore again. 

Friday, March 13, 2015


It does seem that I'm blogging quite frequently right? Well I try my best to get a post published a day so it seems like there's something all the time. Lol. And yeah last week I have a post everyday for the week!! That's somewhat an achievement right? =D This goes to my good planning. hahaha.

I know I'm supposed to be in a relax mood, well initially I wasn't. I can't be. It's hard since the sudden switch in lifestyle. And now that I'm really in a relax mood in which I do think it's not that good now since I will need to be active back again real soon! Gosh I hate myself for sleeping so late at night like 2am but I can't help it, I ended up listening to songs, writing lyrics or studying at that time. I don't wanna be a night owl it's bad to health right? Despite enough rest, I have dark circles now, much darker than before I don't understand why!! And those freaky eye bags. I don't get why they appear. Body aches are coming back often too. Does this all have to do with age?  (,_,) I wonder have I lost weight after CNY. And somehow I felt my old ailment is back. =(

I need to be stronger!!

Last week I'm into eating cucumbers cos of a dream of me eating cucumbers. How funny. xD I really did so anyways since I have the craving somehow. I added blueberry vinegar to it so it tasted better and really refreshing!

I'm also trying to cook a meal since I have some free time. But it really depends on my mood and it does take quite a long time for me starting from buying ingredients, prepare them but chopping/slicing etc., then cook slowly, then put them all together. And also there's washing.....There's just so much to do how does anyone have the patience when you're already hungry!! (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻

I really wonder how those people can get themselves to cook everyday. And every single meal! It's really tiring and time consuming. Freaking patience for that. But I guess probably is the interest that pushed them. I don't know if that can happen to me. I'm just trying now so I feel that I'm capable of something. It won't be my forte though. At least, I can make people feel I won't let them go hungry? Hahaha. But don't put on any high expectations on the quality and taste of my food. Although at least they're better than unhealthy food from outside. (≧▽≦)

Now I have to get my inspiration coming or else...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Kagrra, Yume Izuru Chi making-of

Wanna post something of Kagrra, again. But this is just a short one. A very old vid of Kagrra,.

They actually indicated 煌 Kirameki so u know it's from that album. (・_・)

Making-of vid but they called it otherwise. lol.

With the way isshi dressed like this, he definitely look like an Oni here. lol. Somewhat scary cos it's all in black and white. (x_x)

Still, a lovely smile he gave. ^_^

Argh I do hope there's a long version of this original video. It's kinda too short for me, although at least the background music is still Yume Izuru Chi. I do love the lyrics to this song. But how funny, I remember there was once back then I got mixed up this song Yume Izuru Chi with Urei. But I like Urei more now, after watching Kagrra, lives. And probably cos it's a sad song afterall. lol. Well well...

Anyway, I can't take it. I don't like black and white at all. I have to end with some colours. Here's Kagrra, in wonderful colours. (^o^)

Happy day once more! Don't live a life without colours!(^_-)-☆

Lyrics translation @ demonpassion

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Anime Kobato. こばと。

I'm continuing my recent enthusiasm in watching comedy animes! And so, I've found Kobato in which I'm liking it the more I watch. The story can seem pretty cliche though. That this girl Kobato has a mission to complete in filling the bottle with Konpeito → because she has a place where she wants to go [and that's very vague at the beginning cos it didn't explain why so] She's also such a muddle-headed person! There's just so many things that she don't know of [besides the fact that she lost her memories], I wonder is there anyone who even suspect whether she's a human or not! lol.

Well, but the good thing is that she's a positive person and strives to do her best in everything as much as she could. She keeps saying 頑張ります!in every episode. And that made me feel as much motivated as her. Lol. Her never-give-up attitude is commendable, but sometimes it's just stubbornness and she really didn't get hold of the situation. So of course, I do get irritated as much as how Ioryogi feels. Lol. And yeah, the best part has to be the cute blue plushie Ioryogi spitting out fire at her. xD

Healing hearts is something very nice to do by helping others. I feel it's something noble somehow. It's not something easy to do isn't it? The only touching episode is episode 5 on the story of fireflies. And the scene towards the end is really pretty~

I don't even remember have I seen a firefly before. But it does seem something worthy to see its beauty since dramas and animes are mentioning about this. =)

Oh, paper cranes!! The moment when they mentioned about it, I thought of those that I did before. Oh man I did really little!! (>0<) It was said that you fold a paper crane to wish someone a recovery from an illness? Especially a thousand cranes of them? Well I read up a bit about it and there are few sayings too. But anyways, it's just about having your wish granted, which is definitely nice. I wonder this one on completing 1000 cranes within one year and all be made by the person who is to make the wish at the end really true. Wow.. Is this worth a shot? Should I think about trying this? lol.  

There's quite a lot of cuteness so that's another fun to it. (^ε^)-☆

I would love to have a kitty with blue eyes~~ (=^_^=)

Hahaha. xD

Towards the end it actually bring me to tears. (┯_┯) Can't believe it was that sad but the ending is good one, although there can be things that I don't understand just by watching the anime. So I really had to read up! Seems like the manga is more detailed but why can't they reflect it in the anime too? lol. It's probably the only anime I feel I have to read up to understand better cos the anime just don't explain things clearly. But other than that, it's pretty much something nice to watch to brighten up your day. ╰(*´︶`*)╯

A happy ending is also something worth crying to.

Kobato. storyline @ wikipedia

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Kagrra, PSC Live Year 2005

It's the 13th anniversary for the Gazette!! And so happens that I'm left with this live to post about Kagrra, so I decided to watch this today. And cos I can watch the Gazette's performance at the same time. haha. Somehow this just reminds me again, that a year has passed, that I haven't been back to listen to the Gazette for a really long time! lol.

The video quality back then is really bad cos they look so blur on screen. But I have to capture this one of isshi~ ↑ (^o^)

The PSC bands that were performing at that time. Seems kinda lesser than the one in 2009.

One thing nice is that fans can write their wishes and hang them on the trees there. That's pretty nice to do before entering the concert hall and enjoy the show. I wonder if the band members do read them at all. =D 

Kagrra, is the first band performing for the day! So this time I won't capture the same butterfly pic of the word Kagrra, at the start, but my isshi-sama! ♪~(´ε` )

He'd probably looked too cool like this. xD

01. 皐月 Satsuki ♥
02. 誓ノ月 Chikai no Tsuki
03. 愁 Urei

It's great to see that their pv is shown on the screen!

I noticed isshi is really simple this time! He didn't wear any rings. So this feels kinda strange. Cos I'm an accessories person too. lol. 

Is it me or Nao just like to make faces when he's performing on stage? (≧∇≦)

My handsome man..(〃▽〃) ♥

One thing not that pleasant is the lights shining from the stage are far too bright!! Especially when Urei is playing! Gosh hurts the eyes too much. I can't screencap anymore. lol.

Well anyway, because this is supposedly a Kagrra, post so I decided not to say more about the Gazette. Moreover, I don't know any of the 3 songs they performed in here! Totally new to me! Guess I'm not much of a Gazette fan really, plus their songs are really hardcore. Lots of head banging. Not my type so...

Happy Anniversary to the Gazette while I'm listening to Kagrra. songs! hahaha. xD 

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Kagrra, Auga Winter Year 2005-2006 with Isshi

It's really a windy day~~ Isshi is introducing to us the temple/shrine in that area [in which I have no idea which part of Japan lol]. The background music totally suits the atmosphere of course. And I love to see such nature around. Although it's just Isshi walking around... and around...

I just wished I know what's he talking about. >_<

Here I heard isshi saying the wind is strong~ =D

Anyway, seeing such a simple thing from him can actually made me feel so peaceful~ Isshi went to pray and also ring the bell. I wonder if any of his wishes has came true. (^o^)

At the end of the vid, isshi is smoking. Lol... This vid is just far too short for me to say anything more. But it's really nice to see him did something, JUST HIM. And seeing his smile just warms me up. I just need isshi even if it's a boring vid. Oh no, it's not boring to me at all! Hahaha. xD

Now I would love to visit that same place isshi walked!! Please let my wishes come true just like isshi's~!

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Let's be happy~! \(≧▽≦)/

Since I'm at the topic of Happiness... 
I still remember the Happiness post I've once done before. And this is good as it'll remind me to be happy of every single thing that is going on around me, and to be contended with what I have =)

This is exactly what I'm thinking just last month. I came across this question on Happiness on ask.fm. "How can people become happy?" → I think it's worth for me to mention it here.

Sometimes I'm amazed at myself to come up with such words. lol.

Why did I put happiness first? I realised, it's really important to be happy since our mood affects everything else we're dealing in life. Being sad won't allow me to achieve anything nor solve any problems. And because we have to deal with everything no matter good or bad, we need to be in control with our moods and emotions. Focus on what we can control and think. Do whatever you can with all your heart. Be positive and believe it. It's really all that matters!

Sometimes, it's always that when you lost something, you'll then treasure it more. I hate that in humans, that we tend to take things for granted. I'm also guilty of that and I hate it. But of course, in life it's always that you'll only learn when something happens. It's the wrong that made you know what is right. Sad fact but anyways, I'm not letting myself be guilty of such things anymore. So now I've learnt to treasure things more and be thankful to every single thing and person I come across. There's definitely something I can gain from them in some way....  [I'm not gonna ponder over the reason again xD]

 And so, I have the belief that every single thing is precious. And I do treasure it.

I'm only worried that I'll forget all the happy things one day. I hope it doesn't happen. But I'm kinda afraid. I do forget sad stuffs pretty easily I think. My memories of those are blurred and I can't recall much anymore. I'm just afraid it'll be the same to my happy memories. I hope not. I only want happiness to live in me. I want to show the best side of me to isshi..

And since I've called myself Isshi's Queen of Happiness. I will strive to be happy every day. (^_-)-☆

Let's believe!