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Monday, June 23, 2014

Anime Requiem from the Darkness

It's title is actually very long, called 京極夏彦 巷説百物語 Kyogoku Natsuhiko Kosetsu Hyaku Monogatari. An anime in which I happened to chance upon once again~! ^o^

I was trying to find another interesting anime to watch after watching Another. And I thought meanwhile I shall just read the translation of Isshi's blog. Oh my goodness.. Isshi has mentioned about this book that has an anime adaption!! Suddenly I felt as though Isshi can hear me...as though he knows I'm looking for an anime to watch. To say that this was a pure coincidence, I might as well say it's fated! Cos the genre was the same that I previously watched → Horror and mystery. And it's a short anime too, though this one has one more episode. ^_^

This time round I took my time to watch and not be in such a rush like what I did for Another. Otherwise it'll really be too exhausting and kinda hard to digest what is going on. lol. It's quite an old anime [11 years ago] and the drawing doesn't seem to be very impressive, but I think it's good enough! Most importantly is still the story. Since the story took place during ancient times Edo period and the main character Momosuke wants to write ghost stories, I supposed that it's all about Japanese folktale type of anime. Well, not quite. Lol. I thought it was more about Youkai. But this was only for the first episode where it mentioned about Azuki arai. Although a little disappointed as I thought it'll be a Youkai anime but it was not, I still watched all anyway. Since I had something to watch as  recommended by isshi and it's the genre where I'm interested in, it's all awesome!! hehe. (≧▽≦)

Only the first episode scared me a little. The sound effects do play a good part in this. lol. Or maybe cos the more I watch, the more I got used to the gruesome things that are appearing. Eyeballs that fall out and blood pouring out of the head. It's just blood that splatter everywhere. But I don't think is considered scary at all.. I don't feel it's a horror anime. Haha. (^_^;)

I don't get why some episodes are hard to find, once again this just happens to like almost every anime that I'm watching. I can't get to watch Episode 10 and 11. I saw there's dubbed but what's the point of watching anime in dubbed when I wanna listen to Japanese to improve my listening skills as well too? And since is individual stories so I guess I can skip those 2 episodes. So happens that I've sort of didn't feel like watching it cos I've already know the ending. Why those 2 can't be watched yet is okay for the ending? lol.

I'm a little surprised that the opening and ending songs are English. To be frank, I didn't expect is a female singer. (~_~;) Because the voice is so low, I thought Keiko Lee was a guy. I quite like the opening song The Flame and this made me kinda like jazz now. Jazz don't appeal to me that much, but this was good. Or maybe I only like that song. haha. =)

I like the phrases that Mataichi was reciting at every episode, especially at the end:
心野心は闇に散り、残るは巷の怪しい噂。and おんぎょう、したてまつる。 ← [This one is what I've heard. I don't know if it's right]
And he also said things like: "Lies fill the truth so that no one is sure of anything. Isn't that how people manage to live their lives?" and "As we travel down the path of life, we are confronted by choices. Step off the path of righteousness and you become trapped in the depths of sin. In the end, this transient world is but a dream."

The confusion of the human world. -_-

I'm quite fascinated with this, although this one is about Ongyou but I felt is similar to Shinigami [effect from Deathnote]. They are spirit beings that are righteous with a mission to accomplish. I thought it would be nice if I can be like one of them. Being a human is just tough. It's nothing but troubles. Humans are emotional and I hated it! And there's all sorts of people, having to deal with them, thinking about how to live your life, wandering and pondering... isn't it such a hassle? What's my mission? Where is my direction? What is the right thing to do? I hate that there's no definite answers in life, and you only know how you should be doing when you faced with the problem. Nothing is in a fixed way, so this irritates me. (¬_¬)

I wonder if Isshi have such same thoughts as me. Or am I the only one who thinks a lot about such things? What's nice about being human. lol. I've got so many questions in my mind that I haven't yet got the answers. And we humans, are always constantly wishing for something... that we always couldn't get.

IF only I really had the power to do a change as and when I like it.

Do we have the power, or not? =|

Requiem from the Darkness storyline @ wikipedia 

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