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Monday, June 02, 2014

Ayu on Popteen magazine March 2014 issue Feel the love Special interview

Finally got the mood to do this translation as mentioned last month. ^_^

Omg it took me so many months to have the mood to translate. Lol. And it's now already half the year, but I hope this will still appeal to any Ayu fans, although this interview is about the start of the year. I was touched by Ayu's words, and feel really happy to read and translate all these. (^。^)

Qn. What to do in order to let my feelings be known to someone I like?
You need a considerable amount of consciousness and be determined!! Nowadays isn't there all sorts of communication methods? First, set aside LINE account of yourself, reading but not coming up with a question (laughs).  ← [I'm not sure of what this means.] Just in case if the other party's reaction isn't what you've expected, you need not see it too. If I'm still a 10+ year old, firstly I will use LINE or MAIL to inquire about his feelings. But now I will just invite the person directly by saying "Let's go for a meal together!".
Qn. There's someone whom I just can't forget in my heart for a long time. Does Ayu have the same experience? 
Of course I have. I feel that it's not a bad thing even if I can't forget. In You were... lyrics, "It's easier for me to forget them all, isn't it? But I don’t want to forget a single one" was mentioned too.
Qn. Up till now, what's the confession that your boyfriend said that made you feel happiest? 
The simplest words are the ones that touched my heart best. "I like you" or "I'm very happy when I'm with you" etc.
Qn. The happiest love memories? 
The most ideal one is being like a lover and also like a close kin. Although I would hope my lover to be someone romantic, but ultimately, I hope to maintain the feeling like that of a close kin. In other words, those who can't be your kin, can't be your lover. A love with just romance can't stand on its own. If there isn't any romantic love anymore, is it that lovers can no longer be lovers? When you both are together, it's alright to even do something boring, and is also important to blatantly expose your weaknesses right in front of him, but not to forget to maintain dressing up beautifully... I like this type of relationship.
Qn. In contrast, is there any relationship that makes you feel so much pain?
Probably when he's a very good lover but yet he can't be a kin! And since we can't even be friends, I've even tried very hard to change myself, and also to improve for a better love relationship than my current self, it's definitely tough.
Qn. Even after breakup, can you be friends with the other party? 
For the current situation now, maybe I can (laughs).
Qn. What's the feeling of being in love?
The feeling of 'being in love' now is that no matter what I'm doing I feel very happy. If I need to use a phrase to describe, it would be the situation of 'being extremely happy'♥ (lol).

The way out 
Qn. Do you have times of feeling uneasy about the future? 
Of course I do! Sometimes I've got no idea what I should do in the future. After graduating in junior high, some classmates continue to move up to senior high school, some of them chose to enter the working world, but I didn't have any aim, and envy everyone who seems to have 'decided on their own desired path...', yet I didn't know what I can do, so I felt uneasy. But if I were to give advice to girls facing the same problem as I do, don't rush no matter what, one day you'll definitely discover it. Although everyone enters the society at different pace, some being slow and some may not be doing that smoothly, but all things will have an outcome. If you rush to follow the vision and the standard of the society, you'll end up feeling "Is it right to do this?" and regret right at that moment.
And this is it! If you can't discover the path that suits you right away, you can start from doing things that you like slowly, and after accumulating all sorts of experience, you'll definitely be able to find your own path. Therefore you need not be overly anxious. You're still a 10+ year old, the road ahead you still have 200 more years to live, so it'll be okay just to have this kind of thought!
Qn. I really don't have self confidence, and feel that I don't have any strengths. 
I feel the same too. But what shall I do? I'm very lucky to have met so many guardian angels in my life. Although it is said that we should believe in ourselves and have confidence, and if there's no confidence it's really hard to have a start in anything, but if it is to discover our own strengths, or to exploit them, it's not something easy right? I'll rather believe in the praises that others said to me.
If someone were to say to you "Being tall is really great", so just make use of this strength. Try becoming a model as an aim, and you won't feel abrupt at all. If someone were to praise you, but yet you deny them by thinking "It isn't anything like that" "Such words are just to make me happy" is just meaningless. Because no one will specially praise you something that doesn't exist. So when others discover your strengths, it's worth consider it! Especially when you're feeling undecided!!

Qn. Your aim for 2014? 
Don't be afraid of change. The so-called meaning of change is as it is. Although there may be lots of little changes that happen often, but you should have some awareness, the so-called change is the need to destroy everything. I want to hold on to this feeling of fighting till the end and carry on moving forward. Looking back after debuting for 15 years, I felt some part of work seemed like a routine, although such routine work can provide a sense of comfort, but it can result in a neglect attitude, and once discovered, you'll feel uneasy instead. And that is why there's a need to open up a closed heart and instill new ideas, then you can move forward. This is my thought. In the year 2014, I want to open up the path of unevenness (laughs).

Self training
Qn. It's difficult to keep slim, how does Ayu did it? 
What I'll often do is to buy clothes of a size smaller. By doing so, I will work hard with an aim to be able to wear that clothes. It'll be easily achieved too when you're being clear in setting out a time and aim!
Qn. But during the process I've faced problems and had given up. And would pray that I will be given more courage! 
If you've faced with a problem and got dejected and immediately losing the courage, you'll not be able to move forward. So you definitely can't be like this, let's work hard together!!

Qn. If my personality is very introvert and shy, what shall I do to be like Ayu being optimistic and cheerful all the time? 
My personality is also very shy, quiet and introvert, you know (laughs). About this point, I would like to know too, who can tell me!
I think a lot easily, and what's worse is that I felt the entire class just hates me. What can I do about it? You might think that way, and felt that you must have some weaknesses for that to happen. But not because whoever did anything to you, just why do they have to be this cruel, but I felt that there must be some sort of solution in your heart. In this situation, you should be brave to face it in order to solve it.
Qn. If you can return to your senior high school days, what would you like to do?
I want to wear uniform~. The uniform of the school which I attended isn't that cute, but I really want to wear sailor costume.

Please introduce your new single!  
(Only TA members can get the limited Ayu interview♪)
This new single has take on a challenge in EDM (Electric Dance Music), I'll feel happy even to listen to it alone, and that I can liven up the atmosphere with everyone, it's single with 2 songs that is filled with joy. In Feel the love pv, it might seemed that the theme is to slim down, but in actual fact it is not. It's mainly to have the mood of becoming pretty for boyfriend's sake, and to achieve an outcome higher than the aim. Whether or not the boyfriend is going to look at you forever, you should be full of confidence about yourself. This is the message of Feel the love to everyone. Merry-go-round is a change in music style that presents a sad story. When I saw the result after filming the pv, I was also touched. The melody itself might be upbeat, but when viewing the pv, it gives you a different feeling!

Recalling the times of being a student I had lots of troubles too, but if you think too much too soon, you'll only become more pessimistic, if you become cheerful, this will be better you know.
If everyone could be filled with energy, the whole world will be full of vigour. So everyone please be more cheerful!!

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