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Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So hot so hot!!

I know it might seem that I'm complaining. But the weather has been really hot!! It's about 33°C every time I looked up at the internet. =/

I've read last Thursday newspaper which states that it went up to as high as 36°C!!! Argh no wonder!! It's really freaking hot. No matter where I am I'll just be sweating. And it's so hard to fall asleep at night!

I've been wanting to eat ice cream since forever but when I'm searching for it, I just couldn't find one. Yesterday I wanted a matcha float and went all the way to get it, but it isn't available. So I can only drink down the bitter matcha only. (T ^ T)

This isn't fair!! If I could have known, I shall just buy the Macdonalds ice cream when I saw it! But I would love ice cream with a drink! Matcha float! Why I can't have it!!(ó﹏ò。)

Why sometimes I couldn't get those that I want? Why do u have to happen at such a 'right' time?

Come to think of it, I miss KFC's soft serve years ago.. It's really the best I've eaten. I still miss it. Why such good ones aren't selling anymore. Sobs.

Well now, gotta watch finish my Requiem from the Darkness anime and blog about it soon.

while I'm still thinking when I could get ice cream.. (T ^ T)

I'm just so lazy to go out in this hot weather already.

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