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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Before the end of 2012

Coming to the end of 2012 soon! Oh no, I haven't quite got started to write down my stuffs on my new planner for 2013! And my resolutions! I feel like doing them on the tomorrow afternoon/night when I'm free and maybe just on the first day of 2013 cos it's a public holiday. haha. But tat might be too late!

Well, I'm not gonna sum up my thoughts/happening for 2012 now in this post cos I can't quite think of anything about that. [I still have to look through my past posts!] My computer now has been getting on my nerves it just keeps loading so slowly and even hang whenever I just on it after a while. I have no idea if I should get a new com soon since new ones even hav touch screens which is so awesome but I just dun have plans on tat! My knee problem is on and off sometimes. And I've gained weight for the past months after I've worked!! This few months have been quite a struggle but at least I did something. I may not have lots of time for myself but because this is just a start so there are many things for me to do and learn from. But the future...I dun know if I can see it now. I dun wanna make myself think so much now cos probably it's still early to say about anything. I know I can't change a lot about my life but at least I can think and plan slowly. I dun care when the world's gonna end, but I'm sure the most important thing is to live happily everyday. I've started to understand that. =)

Shall go clean my room too and think about resolutions n plans for the year!

And it's gonna be a year for me to really be mature and responsible and alert.

I will work hard! God bless please. ^_^

Ayu's LOVE again is another disappointment

I can only say, I'm getting disappointments one after another. =(

Whatever is avex doing? Having this release named after the 2 previous mini-albums. Although I mentioned before about Ayu's 5 releases together form a sentence but really, not one of the release named from previous ones. That's so lack of originality! And this full length album has all the songs from the 2 minis with a few new songs [and I'm sure there are interludes too]. Even lesser new songs for us. So what's the point of this album? Only that the covers are really pretty:

01. Wake me up
02. Song 4 u
03. Missing
05. Melody
06. task’n'bass
07. Bye-bye darling
08. snowy kiss
09. Sweet scar
10. petal
11. glasses
12. untitled for her… story 2
13. Gloria
14. Ivy
15. You & Me

01. Song 4 u (video clip)
02. Missing (video clip)
03. Wake me up (video clip)
04. You & Me (video clip)
05. snowy kiss (video clip)
06. Sweet scar (video clip)
07. Melody (video clip)
08. Song 4 u (making clip)
09. Missing (making clip)
10. You & Me (making clip)
11. Wake me up / snowy kiss (making clip #1)
12. Wake me up / snowy kiss (making clip #2)
13. Sweet scar (making clip)
14. Melody (making clip)

I really pity the fans who have already bought the 2 minis cos it's simply not worth when u can get all the songs from this full length album. untitled for her… story 2 surprised me. Is Ayu gonna do a continuation for the song? I hope this will sound nice..but I'm not gonna pin on any hopes. I'm already not hoping for anything and yet when I know of this full length release I'm in shock for days already! I really hope I hadn't need to think about it anymore.

There's only 1 new pv for Melody and tats it! Previously they wanna do a pv for Melody and then it was changed to Missing. My guess is that they probably shot the pv for it and then decide later shall put in this full length album if not, there's not really anything new for the pv part. Why are they so lazy to make a pv for the new songs in this LOVE again? I really dun get why too. Anyway, I used to think that I shall wait until all the 5 releases are out and then decide which to buy really stands now!! Because avex really likes to do this! Maybe there really will be a deluxe box of all the releases together at a cheaper price perhaps and with some goodies/photobooks given. Lucky I'm not getting myself in a rush to get all her albums. In fact, her works aren't really good and that really made me lost my enthusiasm for Ayu. I dun know what else can I do now. I still keep up with her news but I dun feel like buying anymore. Maybe it all started with A Summer Best.  oh ya, and You & Me was included in this LOVE again. Omg. How many times must the same song appear again in Ayu's release??

Really really not gonna pin any hopes. But pls dun destroy everything about ayu too. Dun give me disappointment anymore. Tell me wat direction is Ayu heading to? I simply can't see it. =(

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

My Ayu struggle

Just past this week have lost some enthusiasm for Ayu.. oh gosh.

I know I have said so much in the past entries that I'm so looking forward to Ayu's new releases and love her LOVE mini-album cover so much, blah blah... but the sort of feeling soon disappears somewhere in this month.

I love her new songs like Song 4 U, Missing, and then Wake me up & Sweet scar from again. But right after I've listened to the whole LOVE mini-album, I realised I didn't like it that much. I dun like how her mini-album is like that, with instrumentals and remix in them. They're more like singles than mini-album cos her past 2 minis aren't like that. And I love the way her minis are, not like this time. And also, after looking at wat's A Classical is like, I'm further disappointed.

From wat I know, the cover was a drawing by some artist. That certainly didn't impress us with that kind of look! Of all, I think a better Ayu picture could be chosen. Why use LOVE mini to draw? And the tracklist! There's only 10 songs?? So little. And the fact that old Ayu songs are chosen [by TA fans] to do for this remix is something I think it can be done without. Wouldn't it be better if newer songs are chose instead? We had a lot of old Ayu songs as remix for M and Dearest. Out of the 10 songs only 3 are the new ones this year. I dun feel that happy when I see this! This release is somewhat wasted!!

Anyway, I really dun like the remix in her minis, they gave me headaches! If orchestra versions it would be alright but her minis are not attractive to me. I dun know why but this time my feeling towards Ayu songs are liking the songs for a while, and then get sick soon after, and then got disappointed cos it's not as good as before. I know it's bad of me to compare with her past releases like her peak during A BEST era, but still, the feeling really isn't there anymore!! I dun feel as enthusiastic or excited. I ended up not feel like buying her albums this time [ever since the A SUMMER BEST disappointement] unless there are songs that I really like it.. in which I dun know if there is any that I will like it so much.

I feel more like I'm gonna have to buy an Ayu album becos I needa fill up my Ayu collection to make it complete. But this is more like forcing myself to do it more than I happily do it.

Why why?? Why there's such a change happening in me! But it's true that Ayu's songs nowadays aren't really as good as before. I really miss her old songs... everything. But things can't always remain the same.

I dun know how am I gonna make myself like a new Ayu song without comparing to her old ones. And the fact that Ayu's left with one ear means we should support her more right? Anyway, her lives aren't really as good as before. It's like she's getting out of breath. In the past, listening to her lives is better than CDs. Now, listening to her CDs is better than lives.

Well well.. So much of this Ayu struggle within me. I dun mean I'm gonna give Ayu up!! I'm just saying about my disappointment as a fan. I'm sure there maybe people like me too. So that's why I hope Ayu gets a break for a while. Maybe a year or so. I think it's probably good to rest a while and be back, like what Hikki and Ai-chin is doing. When u're back, there will be so many people looking forward to ur comeback on stage! I think it'll boost ur name better. and in the news! haha. So much of me saying this. But Ayu being a workaholic she probably won't be doing so. I wonder if she really wanna sing all the way to the rest of her life without a rest. Partly worrying, partly me not too happy if her new releases aren't gonna be as good anymore.

I'm not gonna pin up any hopes on her new upcoming full length album of 5 versions. I'm just gonna let it be.. I shall buy an Ayu album if there are songs that attract me. That's all.

I'm still an Ayu fan. I won't give up easily either. =)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Chocolates mood

I suppose this time is a good excuse for me to eat lots of chocolates cos Christmas is gonna come this month. hahaha. But I'm the one who have been buying all this chocolates for myself and not like it's friends who gave me and I have no choice but to eat it! lol~!! yeah naughty me and now that I have ulcer. argh. Probably from eating too much? oops..

I bought this few:

Meltykiss seems to be such a hit I saw many people buying at watsons. In fact I bought cos of that! I thought it would really be nice since many people seem to like it. [or are they buying it as presents for other people instead?] But in the end it didn't taste as good as what I thought it'll be. It's all individual wrapped, I dun really like tat.. and the taste didn't make me feel it's a nice chocolate or anything. I guess somehow I just can't go along with majority taste. It dun work for me most of the time. lol. Lucky I didn't buy so many packs like what most did. haha.

I'm really amazed at Lindor's quality~! But still the way they packed the chocolates is...argh! One big box but purposely put dividers (¬_¬) There's only 8 chocolates! So little! It may look nice as presentation purpose but so not worth the money like that. But still, the chocolate is smooth and yummy. I dunno if I should forgive cos of that. lol. Anyway, I bought it initially as a gift exchange but in the end, chocolates was not allowed as a gift. oh great, so I have to eat them all.. Good or not!

Well, I'm really addicted to Pop Choc these days~!!
And it's KitKat's~!!
I'm so glad tat there is this mini size version of KitKat and I love it so much~! It's really a great snack to eat while watching tv! But I always ended up eating more than I should. lol. The usual 2 bars is ok enough but this pack is definitely gonna make u eat more. but is so yummy lah! I wonder why this type of KitKat is not available in supermarkets! And why only Japan has so many fanciful types and flavours of KitKat? Why aren't they all available over the world? Why not near to my home? It's so yummy why not many people crazy for it but for something like...bubble tea?  I dun get it!! I really dun get most people's taste here. The 'in' things here are so strange. (,_,)

I found out that KitKat in Japan is very popular most probably cos it rhymes with kitto katsu, which means certainly win. Seems like students there will have KitKat so that they can pass the exams. Interesting thing~!! If I have known it earlier in my student days I would have eat it~!! I think it would be sort of a nice encouragement thing or a good luck charm ya and maybe not so nervous [since it's chocolate and would have ease the mood]. Well I guess not many people know about this.. unless u r a fan of KitKat or live in Japan right? I didn't hear of anyone around me who knows of this! Wat a good discovery.

Anyway, just a small news:

Jay Chou is out with a new album this month~!!

I'm just glad with him saying NOT to let Kpop take over. Dun Gangnam style anymore. True~!! I hope Jay will be the big hit and change all this~!! Cpop all along is good [especially with Jay around haha], just that it sort of die down cos of the crazy marketing of Kpop. Tats really sad! I dun like how everyone moves along with the wave...are they really liking something cos they really like it or cos it's the 'in' thing? When I see some people moving on from one singer/group to another, I feel so upset. Are there really any loyal fans around? Why can't one stick to an artiste/group and focus all on them? So wasted.

Never mind. I dun need to figure out what others are thinking. I'm sure there are really loyal fans around although it might be a minority. I would love to be with such people. Let's see. =)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Golden Bomber「Dance My Generation」

This pv was just released this month and the single will be out on next year 1st Jan!! I love this song style [sort of like the 80's] and their dance is funny as usual!! Once the appeared I already find it funny! And their hairstyle I supposed was made on purpose to be so different from usual. What I love too is that Japanese lyrics is included in the pv!! I love this so much! Now I find this song quite addictive! Just like Memeshikute~!!  And especially when Sho looks at the camera and sing. He really has the appeal! I kinda like his eyes. haha. Just that I dun really get what this pv is trying to say. What is the woman doing there just looking at them blindly and left without a word? And the explosion? Sort of reminds me the-world-gonna-end-this-year thing. lol.

It's just sad that Kiryūin Shō now has some throat problems so they gonna be on hiatus for a while until next year April. Aww.. I hope he's gonna be alright and release more good quality songs for us! Can't imagine without him, no fun songs!! Dance My Generation has already made my day!! I want more great days to come with them~! ^_^  Get well soon, dear Sho~!!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

I'm so tired...

Been so tired with work especially and how my life is going. I feel like I'm really having lesser time for myself. And getting so lack of sleep. Dun know why now it became that a little sounds from the surroundings can wake me up and I can't sleep well after that. This dun happen to me in the past. I can always sleep well despite the sounds around me. and now I feel so listless all the time! With very aching tired legs. I'm starting to have many thoughts.. wondering how my life should be, what shall I do with my life.

Why do I feel lost many times?
Because I do know that this kind of life is not wat I wanted. but wat can I do now? =(

Just realised Isshi's birthday and ayu's day has just passed on the 7th and 8th respectively. I hadn't been doing anything special but busy busy with everything!! I feel kinda guilty and I didn't listen to any of their songs. Sobs. What am I supposed to this with all this? arrr......

I wonder who can save me now. I know I need to do something, but what?
Should I change my life? or change my mindset?

I hadn't been feeling happy lately. I guess something must be wrong somewhere...

Ayu again pvs out!!

I'm kinda surprised at the trilogy Ayu  did this time which seems to be Wake me up > You & Me > snowy kiss. Seriously, I dun really get wat the pvs for Wake me up and snowy kiss is trying to say. Just seeing Ayu and Maro fighting and pushing each other another time again in snowy kiss doesn't seem so pleasant. Not that interesting to watch imo. And in Wake me up, Ayu is with a French guy in the first place but the guy neglected her, so she ended up with Maro instead? Well, it seems to me tat they are more like having fun singing in the car. haha. I dun like how this story goes....

Ayumi hamasaki- Snowy Kiss new pv by jeff_Wen

Ayumi hamasaki- Wake Me Up new pv by jeff_Wen

On the whole, the songs are really good but not the plot. In the end, it's like saying relationships doesn't work well for Ayu afterall? I just can't believe Ayu is showing such a story in her pvs this time. O_O I dun know if she trying to show the real side of her life in which I hope that this is not what she's been through!! In fact, I dun really like trilogy but as compared to the ones she did for Love Songs, that was much better and clearer. For this ones in again I dun really get it. How come the French guy disappear all of a sudden? The pvs aren't very clear on wat has really happened. Snowy kiss is really boring with the fights. lol.

So now, Sweet scar has got to be the best among all the pvs this time in again!

Ayumi Hamasaki - Sweet Scar PV by Chio_San

Sweet scar is definitely the classic type of ayu pvs all time!! Just ayu alone, singing, thinking, emotional, walking around... That's who she is!! I just love this type of pvs. Simple and pure. and the song is so lovely. But in totally no relation with the 2 pvs above. lol. In fact, I do hope Ayu can do this for all her pvs...

Sunday, December 02, 2012

cold knees and cracking feeling

I have no idea what's wrong with my legs or knees to be specific. Now I can feel some sort of cracking feeling when I sit or stand, especially when I need to bend. And the cold knees still happen, although there isn't any more muscle spasms. But the muscle spasms started with my right knee at first, which disturb my sleep for one night last month. I dun know what can I do for this. Wat can be the cause? I have been sitting most of the time and of cos I have to walk around sometimes at work. I'm just so baffled everytime as long as I'm working [not studying] my health seems to show something, something different. I used to have backaches, stiff shoulders and rashes on my hands. Now I have some sort of leg problems. Yeah, maybe cos the lack of exercise so my joint is weak and became that way. I dun know why it doesn't happen when I'm just studying full time? Is the main reason as stress? I have stress all the time be it studying or working. lol. Maybe my problem arise cos I'm working.  Can I say I'm not fitted for work? hahhaa. Who wants to work if not for the sake of money. Well well..

I dun even know why am I posting this. I just hope things get better. Maybe I should let myself relax more since it's December already? Or maybe I should start some exercise plan. oh yes, and I should start thinking about what resolutions to have next year. And this also means look back at this year's and see what I've completed. Oh no. I can't remember what I've written!! lol!

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Ayu's Sweet scar pv preview with subs & Wake me up Full song!

Wow I'm pretty surprised that right now, Avex has included subtitles in Ayu's pv previews in different languages. I wonder wats the move for them to do that suddenly and having a video each in the different languages. It seems to make Ayu's channel so flooded with the same pv just that it's in different language subs. lol.  But of cos I'm really happy. I can see immediately what's the meaning of Ayu's songs instead of looking at translation at Ayu fans site. Anyway I will see the translation along with Ayu's Japanese lyrics. It makes me understand better with Japanese beside the translation. =)

There's also subs for Song 4 U and Missing! Or probably that is Avex's plan to do that for this 5 consecutive releases?? Well, I'm certainly glad that u are doing something nice. But why not put Japanese lyrics in her official pvs in DVDs after all? And for overseas versions like Taiwan version, then include Chinese subs for the country region only etc. That would really really be very nice~! Avex, please listen to my suggestions too. I think many fans have the same idea as me too. haha.

Just listened to Wake me up full version! Now that the full song is out, when's the pv!! Dec 8 is coming real soon and yet there isn't a Wake me up pv preview? and for snowy kiss too!! I hope Wake me up pv will really amaze me since it's such a rockish song. My current favourite~!! This is all making me so excited. ^_^

Btw I love Ayu's hair in Sweet scar but it seems so hard to get that hairstyle. I love the one in her old pv (don't) leave me alone too. I wonder is it the same hairstylist cos Ayu's hairstyle is really so gorgeous for those 2. I love them so much now. Maybe I should see who is it under the credits section when I'm free. haha.

1 more week to Ayu's day~!! So looking forward to everything Ayu's been giving me. Happy December 1st~! December probably is the best time of the year for me to love. =)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

news of maro & Sweet scar

Well well, as mentioned before that Maro has a child already [although i'm not very sure is it true], as seen from the newspaper just this week, probably he really has one. It says Maro has a wife 15 years older than him, both married on 2005 but now is still fighting for divorce. And he actually has a lot of affairs with other women? and last year September he had a son with his model lover. Wow such a news can't get any juicier. lol.

This news really sort of made Ayu having a 'bad' image being with such a guy.. U know, this thing seems to be more complicated. But whatever it is, I hope Ayu dun end up being a step mum or anything. I just hope they're just dating and not progress until anywhere. Probably Ayu just date with a guy and have some inspiration for her song writing. [yes I wished it was this case] The previous relationship she had with Mannie is already making people think that she was making news somehow since she did not register her marriage back in Japan. I dun know what to say about this. I dun know what is she thinking, but the fact that she married a guy whom she only knew for 5 months is indeed way too fast. And celebrities' marriages seems to be mostly short-lived. That's sad, but anyway, I dun wished Ayu's to turn out like Britney Spears. I will be crying for sure!!

Seen some preview pictures for her new pvs for again mini-album~! I love this one only:

For Sweet scar!

A very lovely picture of Ayu looking out at the window. And this really reminds me of:

Boys & Girls!! Dun anyone think so?? Though this one is not a window but she's looking out at somewhere outside. The moment I saw the Sweet scar picture I got so nostalgic for Ayu's old pv. I even went to Youtube to watch this again. I've watch Ayu's old pvs many times in the past as a student as I had the time and I was really so into Ayu back then. I really had the patience to watch every single detail in the pv too. Almost.. haha.

I love this where she looks at the cam.

This angle was ok.. but this pv seems to be focus on the lighting thing.

I love her hairstyle for this. Red and pretty nice cut. I dun really like this song at first, in fact I'm not sure why is it so popular back then!! Anyway, I still dun like the song as much now but I love the pv for wat it is. Cos I just love Ayu all alone in her pvs. Cos that is who she is. All about Ayu. All about her thoughts and feelings and life.

Alright, now waiting for pv previews. Pls be quick!! I'm so curious~!! 2 more weeks to the release of again mini-album~!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Seriously, I dun know wat's happening to me, my body has some changes after being exposed to work. One whole week I can get muscle spasm non stop. Another moment, cold knees. Now, exposed green veins on my feet and a little pain on my knee. =(

This looked really ugly!
I thought I might walked a little too much but the thing is that my job dun require me to walk around all the time. I sit n do my stuffs. Yet such things occur. I dun know wats wrong exactly. I even went to the doctor last time but he said stress. Is that it?? My condition seems to progress from one to another. I dun know wat will be next. I tried to look up at the internet for answers but there isn't much. I'm kinda worried but I guess I probably need to massage my legs more. And maybe for the moment, walk less? The veins seemed to lighten a bit after I get some sleep. And my guess is probably just some blood circulation problem. oh well.

It was really a hot hot hot day~!! I felt I was burning in the morning. But in the afternoon, it rained so heavily.  Bad weather changes really .

I think this is a pretty nice view i've taken. I didn't know it'll be this good cos the sun is so bright I can see wat I took! lol.

Rainy days are good for sleep though. And now it's raining again too. Time for a nap?? =)

Ayu is dating maro & again cover!

Seems like many things have happened all this time! lol.
Well, news of Ayu dating maro muz have spread earlier, especially when Maro announced it at his blog and Ayu on her TA. This news appear on local newspaper on Friday though. I think it's pretty fast.

So there's actually some 'clue' that they might have been liking each other since her concert tour and appearing in You & Me pv [after I've read that in some articles]. Wow. I didn't know that. I didn't suspect or guess anything, except for the Mannie's case when I saw him appeared in Virgin Road pv. I even thought that I was thinking so much so I dropped it off. And now that for Maro.... actually I dun even want to think that it will happen!! And Ayu's tweet with Maro dressed up for Halloween actually meant something! And they are always together for so long already. I really can't believe it somehow. I got a shock on Thurs night when I know about this. Worse when I know he's already married before and has a kid [is that right?]. Well, I'm just worried for Ayu that history will repeat again like wat happened between her Mannie. And I certainly hope it's not for creating news on purpose as a way to promote her releases. I certainly hope not!! Whatever it is, I just hope things will turn out to be good. And ayu not let us worry for her. And please dun let this affect ur work!! I hope u'll continue to produce more good songs!! =)

Well then, after appearing in You & Me pv, he now appears in the next ayu album cover:

Not that happy at all. lol. yeah I still dun like Maro whoever he is and even appear on ayu cd covers when none of the guys appeared in ayu's covers at all. Hmph!! But then, this cover of Ayu is pretty with the lighting and Maro's face isn't so clear so is okay. Now I want the songs to be as good as LOVE's!! In fact, Sweet scar is leaked that fast!! And Wake me up as a CM song!

Many people like Sweet scar so much. I think it's a really good DAI's work. A bitter sweet ballad. But I prefer Wake me up better. A much strong powerful song but the song preview is just too short in the CM! I can't wait for the full version and the pvs!! And yes! the previous post where I wrote about Ayu in France is right! I hope that's really for a pv shoot! She's so nice to meet the fans up. I'm really jealous now. haha.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ayu's upcoming album again

I suppose this time is also a mini-album by looking at the tracklist: 

・AVCD-38644/B ¥2,415 (tax incl.)
01. Wake me up (Original mix) // composer from UK
●「皇潤sports」(エバーライフ)CMソング http://www.everlifegroup.jp/
02. Sweet scar (Original mix) // D.A.I
03. snowy kiss (Original mix) // Tetsuya Komuro
04. Ivy (Original mix) // Tetsuya Komuro
05. Missing (Orchestra version)
06. Melody (Acoustic Piano version)
07. Wake me up (remix)
08. snowy kiss (remix)
09. Wake me up (Original mix -Instrumental-)
10. Sweet scar (Original mix -Instrumental-)
11. snowy kiss (Original mix -Instrumental-)
12. Ivy (Original mix -Instrumental-)
01. Wake me up (video clip)
02. snowy kiss (video clip)
03. Sweet scar (video clip)

I really love the song titles that Ayu gave them this time. Some sort of winter feel. I'm so looking forward to the covers in which they'll release it much later. I hope it'll be as pretty as LOVE!! Maybe in pink or whitish. *^_^*

I love this tracklist cos it also includes 2 songs Missing and Melody from LOVE mini-album, especially when these 2 versions are the ones I like as the remix!! There's 4 new songs but there are only 3 pvs made, just like for LOVE, 3 new songs but 2 pvs made. why one lesser?? Ayu, U should be doing more pvs for us!! Well, then now I hope the 4 new songs are as good as LOVE. But then, would I be ended up buying all the 5 consecutive releases if all the releases songs are so good? omg.. this will really burn my pocket. I wanna buy only the ones I love most since I'm more into getting A BEST 3 in which I think some new songs may be included there. BUT I've been collecting all Ayu's studio and compilation albums all along!! These 2 ARE albums, although they are mini-albums. Just like Memorial Address and FIVE, in which I still bought them. Oh gosh, Ayu~!! U are really making me left with no choice but to buy ur albums!!! I can't stop my Ayu collection as U know!! T_T

Okay, I shall fret about the money part later. Dun wanna have this post without picture so I'm gonna upload something:

Ayu tweeted this as 'Dejavu'!! And she also wrote in French!! Oh my, I hope this is some nice surprise. Like she's filming in France with a French or she just made a French friend so she wants to speak in French or she wants to gain more French fans. Haha me thinking so much. But I really wondered at this photo. Is it for a pv?? The black and white feel~!! And that she seems to be closing her eyes. Well I can't see that really clearly. The pose really seems like some scene of a pv. This really made me curious!!

Alright, shall wait for more news of Ayu coming up instead of guessing so much. hahaha.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sexy Ayu on Halloween~!!

Just a short post on Ayu. I came across her picture on twitter, in which it appeared in the newspaper much later!

I dun know if I should be happy with the title that says 'the older, the hotter/sexier'. Well Ayu has big eyes and if she does such makeup I think she'll really look scary!! Like the one in ourselves pv! Anyway I thought Japanese dun celebrate Halloween but anyway, I'm not that interested about that day. Timmy's dressing and makeup is so hideous imo and I got a scare for that! lol. Lucky Ayu isn't too over. Okay, besides this, not really any big news about Ayu.

Oh yes there is, LOVE mini-album release!! I wonder why I didn't upload this edited cover picture of Ayu~!!

This colouring is really much better. Less whitish and more clearer view of pretty ayu. *^_^* Argh. When's my turn to get this album in stores!! I dun wanna wait for a month later!! By then again will be released in Japan and other countries already!! Why is S'pore so slow in CD imports?? =(

Okay, till I have got my LOVE mini-album then I shall write something about it, although I've watched the 2 pvs already. I still love to get my hands on the physical goods. IT REALLY FEELS DAMN GREAT. I shall wait cos I dun have a choice. Ar~~ I'm counting!

My purchases over the months/weeks

I have been shopping around for the past weeks and haven't been updating on the things that I've bought, even long ago~! haha. Anyway, my cosmetics aren't really a lot since I'm not that adventurous to buy new products and try them out. I've done that in the past and cos of that I've realised that some products dun suit me and it's really a waste. Most of the time I've either given it away or throw them, which is a pity and not to mention a waste of money! So now I dun dare to spend on new products without testing them and looking at more reviews before I buy them. =)

Not much. Skincare are just the T-zone mask n whitening moisturizer cos I always wanted some whitening products. I know I need whitening essence more!! but I couldn't find a suitable one nor the one that is of a reasonable price. Most are expensive!!! So I thought this time I shall just get a moisturizer with whitening properties. It's like a 2-in-1 so is better I guess?? But then I feel that the moisturizing effect is not as good as a hydration moisturizer. Whitening ones are somehow a bit oily. I dun know why they are usually like that! Or I happened to buy the ones like tat? =( I somehow have a little regret..lol. But I still use it, occasionally.

I finally found a lipstick that totally matches my natural lip colour!! I've been looking for it for ages and this is the first time I finally found it! Very happy but lipstick dries up my lips faster than lip conditioner! Not tat happy about that but still I use it for nicer colour on my lips cos it has a bit shine too. Well, I'm still happy I got it!! The RIGHT lipstick colour is really hard to find!!!

The rest of the items I got them at sale price. I'm someone who likes to buy items when on sale especially! haha. It makes shopping really more satisfying! Especially the eyeliner pencil, half the price but I happened to be too rough with it while wiping it with tissue, the lead broke! Well, but this successfully reminded me to buy a sharpener for this. lol.

Anyway, I love my LoveMore masks really a lot!!

The packaging is really nice of envelope style. I think it's really pretty~

I have to really moisturize my skin by putting masks more often. I can't stand how my skin seems to be tearing on the upper layer but I just can't remove it using exfoliater! I dun know why this happens. It's pretty much the first time that it can't be removed. Maybe it's really just skin drying out. Argh. So I'm gonna have a dry and oily skin?? T_T

And I so so like to buy clothes from uniqlo but I found this inner wear too.

It really tightens my back, probably really gives u the right posture/shape. But somehow it is giving me back pains. Lol. I also have knee problem for the past week!! Cold knees! And I bought a knee supporter too. Oh no, so I need so many protection inside my clothes. So many things to wear!! I feel so pathetic now. ar~~~~

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Namie mode for the past week~!

Been crazy listening to Namie's Uncontrolled cos I was kinda regret for not buying the album earlier! argh, it's all my fault, if not, I could have gotten a poster.[Even though I'm not tat fond of the cover actually. haha]

I really really love Uncontrolled and damn, this made me realized that I love Namie's music so much too!! I dun really know the exact genre that I'm into it. I suppose is Jpop and Jrock mainly, and specifically could be  dance, a bit of electro pop, hip hop, ballad? I'm so enjoying Namie's song right now and I guess from her Best Fiction onwards, her songs are getting really good! I really love all the pv she's been doing too!! Far too pretty and gorgeous. I got so overwhelmed when playing the DVD in my com. The feeling is just so awesome with the clear definition of her looks!! REALLY GREAT~!!

It's really cool that she sang 5 songs in English. Not that special since most of her songs have a mixture of English with Japanese, but it feels kinda different. In fact most of her songs melody are repeated and there is nothing more to the lyrics, the same thing keep repeated but just why do I still love it so much? I can keep replaying the songs all day. Anyway, 1 thing I love about Namie is that her songs have so many Kanji. I just love to see how hard is it to figure out how to say the Kanji. Lol!!

Oh yes, 2 of her song names are different from the one in pv. I wonder why? For Go Round and Yeah-Oh!. And I love Break It so much but not the album version!! T_T Why not the same version as the pv!! I got so surprised when I first listened to it, cos I didn't know. argh~!!!

Anyway, I love to see Namie appearing in ads in the newspaper.  =)

I love her makeup so much now! Althought sometimes it can be a bit over. It really made me wanna try KOSE!! but then, it's not really cheap so I've been sticking to Maybelline or KATE at most. Argh.... I wanna try KOSE one day~!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Ayu: This October

Alright, I know I'm quite late for this post. I've been in Namie mode for the past week after getting Uncontrolled album and so not listening to Ayu's songs. lol. But I'm still keeping track of her of cos!! Well, although I dun really know what I should be posting here. hahaha.

There's a new video on Missing [Short version with Lyrics]. Amazing piece and I love to see lyrics in video but I wonder why Japanese dun put lyrics in their own pvs but only to include lyrics on live performance instead? I really dun get why. Isn't it much better for the viewer to understand clearer along with the lyrics ? And rather than have a separate video for lyrics and a video for the pv. I dun get what are they doing. And both are short versions so they are really killing my patience to wait for the full one. LOL!

And somehow I dun get why I can't embed the video here at all. Maybe something wrong with Youtube now for the moment. But this sort of angers me. Okay, not a big deal. Listening to this Ayu song has made me happy so I'm not angry for such small matter. hahaa.

This whole mini-album is really making me looking forward to it so much~!! Especially cos of this new vid that made me listen to Missing again. And sometimes Song 4 U plays in my head for apparently no reason. There are really times where Ayu's songs just played in my head all of a sudden, making me back into Ayu mode. Oh yeah and Ayu's Dec mini-album after LOVE will be again. For once I thought it would be nice if they were to form a sentence for all her 5 releases. Possible? But I can't think the other 3 words after LOVE again. What can it be? hahaha.

So great to see Ayu do photoshoots for Numero Tokyo mag. Few pictures but so gorgeous~!! I totally love them! Posting the 4 favourites of mine~!!

This sideview really looks kinda like the cover for HEAVEN. [as pointed out by a fan at a tweet =)]
I like that flashy outfit somehow. =D

Ayu has such a sexy back~!!
Love her putting her hair sideways like that. Damn pretty~!!

And this dress made her such a mature woman~!! The colour totally suits her~!!

And my, I love this pose~!! xD

And there's LOVE glasses!!
It would be great if they are coloured!! Really, All lovely pretty Ayu stuff should be in PINK! Why can't they use the same coloured LOVE covers instead of in black and white.

Alright, never mind about this. Speaking of Black and White, I've just created a new poll at AHS about the Extreme Black & White Ayu THEN vs. NOW. I hope there's more responses cos some people do think that my previous poll was about Song 4 U but it was for ourselves vs. alterna. So this time I thought of creating a new poll.  Should I even be bothered about creating new thread? In fact, I thought of stop creating threads cos of some people actually think that I'm a hater cos of a thread I posted in which I'm NOT! I dunno why some people can interpret and see my words/meaning in the wrong way when I dun mean it. Was kinda sick and not wanting to post anymore but I guess I shouldn't be so bothered by this. I shall just post what I want since I'm not that bad person saying any bad things about ayu. If anyone misunderstand me, that is his problem. I shall not care anymore. Posting a thread is fun to share and I'm not gonna let anything stop me anymore. =)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Music

Oh wow this is actually the first time I'm blogging by using my iPod. I muz be such an idiot for not using this device much except mainly for twitter. Lol. But honestly, I'm still someone who prefers to use the real keyboard to type, so I've always been blogging using my laptop. It's still the best way for me. And now tat I'm trying to blog with my iPod it still feels kinda weird. And I dun think I'll type much? Haha.

I've updated apple software n all sorts over the past weeks. Oh gosh I'm really bad at this thing but I jus dun get it. Why are the software updates r separate? Why can't they be updated all at once instead of asking me again and again? So iTunes update n iOS update n QuickTime all is different?  N they really made me blur. I dun see much difference after installing the updates or it's supposed not to have much difference? O_O

The music part in iTunes kinda irritates me. Why is it tat it can't find the song info titles, Picts etc like wat wmp can do?? N initially I'm so angry I couldn't insert the lyrics, n later I found out how, which was quite simple. Just that why they can't get the lyrics stuff automatically? It's kinda troublesome to find it ourselves and then copy n paste to it. All in all, I think it's just not that user friendly enough. :(

Now that my DVD player has spoiled long ago, and yeah my old mp3 of many years has spoiled too. If not, I'd probably not touch this iPod at all. Lol. Ok, but I can still utilize this device if not it will be of waste. But really, I still do prefer to use totally an mp3 with just music only. Best if I can see lyrics when the songs r played. I dun care about having multifunctions like this iPod. There r jus too many things tat can distract me n make me blur. N I've stop downloading apps and games. Not really fun anyway. I just dun get why so many people around this world loves to use apple so much. I muz be such an odd person who dun find it that interesting. Haha.

Oh right, cos I have no DVD player to play my DVDs I havta use my com in which I'm not so fond of doing tat for watching DVDs. It'll make irritating noises. But surprisingly, it didn't made any!! Is it cos of the DVD itself?? Is Namie's so powerful?? Haha for the first time. I wonder why...

Anyway, I do have a great time listening and able to view lyrics as I listen to her songs now. And got a super great time watching her pvs. Probably it's just some magical Namie power, idk. It all suddenly turned out so good!! This seriously made me wanna buy more of her albums. But I'm not tat fond of her album packaging. Alright, maybe I shouldn't care about that cos is the songs that matters. ^_^

Ok, for now I shall just enjoy my music n dun complain so much. I could jolly use my phone for music but I'm like some dumbo who likes to separate music from phone. I could also buy a bigger storage of SD card to store more songs n stuff but I just dun want n dun feel like doing it. Everyone else in this world is using just one device for everything. But I like to separate them out. Grrr... So am I the one giving trouble to myself? Lol!!!

Ok,  really. Now time for my Namie music!  N enjoy my Sunday!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My little shopping today~

It's been quite a while since I post photos of the things I've bought! I did some shopping for the past month but I have been buying few items at one go. Well, not tat I've taken pictures of all those things that I've bought and not yet shown here. lol. I just had the mood today to update a bit. =D

Wanted a drink for the day and I bought corn tea! First time drinking this. Seems like only Korean will sell this? Haven't seen this drink in Japanese shops though. Well, it tasted roasted. Quite different from those common teas that we've drank. I'm not sure if I can say it taste good or not. But I do prefer to drink green tea or black tea, afterall. haha.

I love Japanese stuff. I could have bought more snacks but I was just not willing to carry so much stuff back home today. lol. It's quite cheap! And the drink is actually grapefruit juice with alcohol! That's special.. I haven't tasted it yet cos I'm afraid I'm drunk and can't write this post. hahaha.

And I've finally bought Namie's Uncontrolled album~!! Did I say before that I wanna buy this? omg I just couldn't remember. But anyway, I dun know why I feel like buying it when I saw HMV not selling the version I want! Last week I saw, they are selling all Japanese version which is freaking expensive. So since i saw it today at other CD store might as well buy this. ^_^ I really wonder why nowadays even HMV are not selling old albums anymore but they only have the latest albums on their shelves. This is making me kinda stressed cos if I dun buy the album now, I might not be able to see it again if I want to buy them in the future. It's either now or never~!! I hate that feeling when it comes to this!  What if a fan suddenly wants a complete collection of CDs and u are making us so hard to get??!! Lucky I've collected all studio albums of Ayu all over the years. If I'm trying to find them now it'll really be very very difficult!! [And yeah, I dun wanna buy albums from the internet tats y. So am I the odd one out? hmmm..]

The only thing that is quite a pity now is that I didn't get the poster. Does it come along with the poster for this TW version? It seems so.  But there isn't any for me. Is it cos I buy this after 4 mths? So it's a bit too late?  =( Anyway, the booklet is quite plain and there are only 3 pictures of Namie! Gosh, it seems like Namie doesn't like to take much pictures for her album booklets? Why so many lyrics all over but so few pictures of her! Tats not very nice, u know. I really wonder why this for Namie. And she doesn't release photobooks, does she? O_O I love her songs now, and yeah I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT THIS ALBUM COS IT'S FOR HER 20TH ANNIVERSARY! Why it took me so long??? T_T

Anyway, I've bought more masks~!!

I love LoveMore masks!~! They should import more here! More specifically, I love to use whitening masks! My skin as been getting dry being in the office the whole day. I need to use masks for often rather than the usual once-a-week! I really need to use them 2-3 times a week now. And I need to get a more hydrating BB cream. I need to take care of my skin!!!

Ok, so let me enjoy my Namie music now. ♪

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ayu's upcoming mini-album LOVE

I'm so so so glad that the covers for LOVE was released this week~!! I'm already kinda impatient when the news of Ayu's release came but the covers were still not ready yet. Now that it's here. HOW GREAT! It's amazingly gorgeous in which makes me love it so much just like Love Songs cover. And I love Ayu in this hairstyle so much!!!

Showing the CD+DVD version here. That's the best to me. Ayu is pretty good at closeup shots with her looking at the camera. This one is really natural. I think it's much better than A BEST 2 ones. haha.

And there we realized, there is a change in the order of the songs in the tracklist and that Missing will have a pv instead of Melody!! Omg, so I got wat I wanted? [Although if all 3 songs have pv would be great.] I was just thinking about having Missing be the one pv in my previous Ayu post and let it be a hit song. Probably they really changed their mind and did it!! I'm so freaking happy to know this! and with such a gorgeous cover, I'm so looking forward to it! I really do have the urge to buy it!

Well, there's a total of 4 songs, but 3 new songs and You & Me which is the one previously at A SUMMER BEST. I actually do feel kinda strange tat this song is added here cos it's already in A SUMMER BEST with its pv there. Although it's nice that they added the remix instead of the original version, so at least this is something special. But I wonder if this song fits in this mini-album. Cos I've been thinking that for her 5 consecutive release let all be totally new material. Alright, and maybe I shall wait till listening to the songs to see if they all really fits well together. haha.

Anyway I have this thought of getting the 5 releases all at once next year, which is after March. I wonder if Avex would think about putting all these 5 releases together and sell it as a deluxe collection? So we can just buy 1 big one with all 5 releases inside. Sounds cool instead of buying the 5 releases one by one but this also means that we need to spend a lot $$ at one go!! I dunno if this is worth but I love collection albums stuff so this appeals to me. If there's gonna be a plan like that, I'd rather wait till the end of the 5 releases and buy it when that deluxe collection were to come! awww...but how long do I have to wait? I'm already itching for the LOVE mini-album already. Tell me what shall I do??!

While Ayu did make me happy for this release, but there isn't a happy new released just this Mon/Tues:

It sounded really nonsense. Ayu actually tried to kill herself 6 years ago? Why are they digging old news of her again. Never will I believe such stuff. Like previously there was a news of her getting HIV. That's stupid! This shows that none of those chinese reporter news of Ayu rumours is true. NONE! And whoever is Timmy?? Some invisible guy?? I'm sure they are not referring to Timmy Wellard cos they have not know each other back then at that time from what I know. I'm amused that they can still come up with something like this. Probably every time Ayu's gonna release something, they will try to come up with 'news' to talk about her life. We got sick of all this, honestly. Just report on her new releases will do. And the rumours are just nonsense for us to think how nothing-better-to- do u people are. :p

Saturday, October 06, 2012

new life

The so called 'new life' in which I'm having now. Things are still quite the same, except that right now, I'm temporary out of my student life and into independence of earning my own money. How nice! I've actually been waiting for this all the time ever since young. And the feeling of being able to earn for yourself just feels so damn great! ^_^

Somehow I can't believe this myself either. I was so slacked when I was a student. Although I studied most of the time at home but I didn't set a timetable for myself. I just study whenever I feel like it. Looking at the books and watching tv at the same time. Sometimes it can really be rushing when I haven't gone through a previous topic and I had to go for lectures on another chapter. I dun think I really know howta manage my time well, despite reading books on it already. lol. But still, life wasn't so stressed and packed. I still have time of my own, watching animes and visiting AHS quite often. haha.  Well, the challenge is that I have to depend on myself for my studies, although it's so hard to understand. I dun know how did I made it through all these years but somehow I did! It's really amazing. So I've come to the conclusion that I shouldn't give up [even though I feel like it], just do it and the results may not be wat I thought in the first place. As long as I give in my best effort, all is not lost. The worse thing is that u didn't even put an effort to try at all.  =)

Anyway, having a job now makes me more disciplined than before because of time constraint. I can only have time for myself on weekends. I need to plan my time well on reading articles and books, writing notes, buying necessities, and start thinking clearly about my future!! I have been eating so much lately [I dun know why i get hungry so easily] and now I need to start giving some time for exercise. Time is so limited I feel like I have to rush sometimes. lol. yeah, my shoulders and back is so aching lately from sitting in the office the whole day in which I get to know this is truly the life of an office worker. Dun know if this is considered nice or not but at least is not labour work which is much worse. So far I'm really happy with my life. ^_^ I'm glad things has been going quite well.

I dun know how it will be like next year~~ It didn't seem too far but only this few months will probably be good I guess. It's always me who wonders how the future will be like, and then just let things be. haha. Is there anything I should be doing actually?

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ayu :This September

I'm so excited and happy to know of this news today!! Well, few days ago I know of Ayu releasing a mini-album called LOVE but little did I know that she will be releasing not just this but starting from that date 8 November onwards, there will be another 4 releases on the 8th of the month consecutively till 8 March!! I'm so so so happy that Ayu certainly has such a nice plan for her 15th anniversary~!!! I've already love Song 4 u when I saw it at Youtube being the theme song for Tales of Xillia 2!! It totally fits being an anime song~!! I'm so glad Ayu amazes me again. I long wanted this feeling!! I'm even more happier about her consecutive releases!!

01. Song 4 u (Original mix)
02. Melody (Original mix)
03. Missing (Original mix)
04. You & Me (Remo-con rmx - Extended)
05. You & Me (SHINICHI OSAWA remix)
06. Song 4 u (Orchestra version)
07. Melody (remix)
08. Missing (remix)
09. Song 4 u (Original mix -Instrumental-)
10. Melody (Original mix -Instrumental-)
11. Missing (Original mix -Instrumental-)
12. You & Me (Original mix -Instrumental-)
01. Song 4 u (video clip)
02. Melody (video clip)
03. Song 4 u (making)

Missing seems amazing cos it's a medium rock flavored tune song. I miss her rock songs so much!! But there isn't a pv for Missing but for Melody?? I wonder how nice will Melody be since it's a medium ballad. Maybe something like Moments in which I love very much too?? hahaha.

Ar... although I'm super happy and excited for all these 5 releases coming soon but then this means there's a lot for us fans to spend on now. I wonder what will the other 4 releases be? Concert DVD will be fine for me. Will A BEST 3 be one of it too? Although I want Ayu to release singles but I hardly buy singles unless it's something I loved very much. Or just give me a few more mini-albums? hahah. But I think it would be great if Ayu could also release a full-length album for one of the releases. =D

So now I shall wait patiently for her LOVE mini-album covers to be released. In fact, I wasn't very impressed with her song titles for this. Ayu had better song titles back then. Well, u see, Ayu had too many songs with the word 'love' in it. And just this 'LOVE" as the title of this mini-album can be a bit confusing too.

Ayu had song with 'love' which are:
01. LOVE~destiny~ or LOVE~refrain~ as the other version [album named LOVEppears]
02. is this LOVE?
03. 1 LOVE
04. LOVE 'n' HATE
05. Sunrise~LOVE is ALL~ [and Sunset]
06. meaning of Love
07. Love song [album named Love songs]
08. beloved
09. the next LOVE

Wow I think that's really a lot and LOVE mini-album will considered to be the 10th in the list above? hahaa. In fact, I would rather have this title 'LOTS OF LOVE' for this mini-album. Dun u think this sounds much better? Since Ayu already had so many songs with 'Love'. With that title, it feels as though Ayu is giving love to us. lol.

Anyway, why can't I find vids of Ayu performing at Kishidan Banpaku? So not fair. I wanted to watch it!!
Ayu dressed pretty nice rockish at the festival. ^_^ The stockings are kinda special. haha.

Alright, so I found out there's a setlist that she'd sang:
01. evolution
04, HANABI ~episode II~
05. Sunrise ~LOVE is ALL~
06. You & Me
07. July 1st

Ayu didn't sing the ones I wanted. Oh well. No choice then. These few songs seems really the staple ones. except You & Me as the new song. Argh I wanna watch this performance video so I can like them all again!! I dunno why but I can't make myself listen to old Ayu songs. I need some form of treatment for this. lol. 

So right now there's nothing much I can do but to wait. I'll probably make myself listen to old Ayu songs once her A BEST 3 is released. Hopefully~!! Let me go crazy for u again, Ayu~!! I miss those days~!! 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cawaii Skincare 02

Con't from previous post. [Translated from a magazine]

Acne care 
✿ After 5-10mins of basic skincare routine [after moisturizer], then apply makeup.

✿ Wash your face every morning and when return home at night after removing makeup. Use toner and after 3 mins, apply moisturizer.

✿ Do not squeeze pimples as there are bacteria on your fingers and it will cause scars.

Wash your face twice a day is enough. Over-washing can cause skin to become rough, dry and produce even more oil.

✿ Must apply toner! As dryness is the reason for causing pimples. After washing face, apply toner and then moisturizer on areas that tend to be dry.

✿ To reduce dark circles, lightly massage the eyes.

✿ Use whitening mask twice a week.

✿ No matter what season it is, must use sunblock with at least SPF 20 and above before going outdoors.

✿ If you're getting a sunburn, cool your skin down immediately. Soak cotton pad with water and place it on the hot areas. Once your skin gets back to normal, use whitening and moisturizing products.

✿ Whitening essence can be applied in the morning, afternoon and night time.

✿ As long as exposed to sunlight, which cause your pores looking darker, can re-apply foundation on the nose areas.

Hair looses shine due to sweat, UV rays, swimming pool, air-conditioner.

Steps to washing hair:
1. Comb the hair ends first.
2. Comb hair from roots till the ends.
3. Use warm water to rinse the scalp.
4. Create bubbles with hair shampoo.
5. Massage the scalp while washing hair.
6. Wash off shampoo thoroughly and then apply conditioner.
7. Rinse off.

It's better to use a hair dryer rather than leaving wet hair to dry off itself as hair is weak when wet.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Cawaii Skincare 01

Read from the last issue of Cawaii [which is in '09]. They do have very good tips for skincare and even makeup! It's quite a good mag to read, so quite a pity that it's gone now although I don't really like the models. haha.

[Translated from a magazine]
✿ Proper steps to daily skincare after removing makeup: Cleanse → toner → essence → moisturizer
For those with acne or big pores, use warm water and pat face for 20 times and above.

✿ Having makeup still remaining on the skin [due to not removing them thoroughly enough] is the reason for causing skin to darken. Do not rub your skin too hard or remove facial hairs too often!

✿ The skin renew once every 7 days, therefore should exfoliate once a week, allowing the skin to breathe better. [same as for the body]

✿ The night before an important day out, do a special skincare! Put a hot towel on the face, then use cold water to contract the pores. This can improve the blood circulation and also allow the facial muscles and pores to tighten.

✿ Must remove makeup thoroughly especially the eye area where girls tend to put heavy makeup.

✿ The right way to apply essence and moisturizer: Put on fingers first to warm it and dot them onto the cheeks, forehead, nose and jaw area. Then apply them from top to bottom, inner to out.

✿ Apply perfume in areas where your skin is not exposed to UV rays, which is at the pulse areas.

✿ You should apply body lotion everyday in the morning and night. The best time would be right after a bath as it will help increase absorption.

✿ To relief constipation: Drink 1.5 to 2L of water everyday and massage the tummy areas.

✿ On diet: Ratio of the 3 meals should be 3:2:1. Must have all 3 meals but change to vegetables as the main dish, eat lesser for dinner. If you had a big meal out, replace the other 2 meals with fruits.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Skincare steps and time saving tips

Had mood today to type a post but there isn't really much info in this Jan issue.  [Translated from a magazine]

Skincare steps before going for a party
1. Cleanse thoroughly by removing all the whiteheads/blackheads. 
2. Use a toner and let your skin absorb the moisture. 
3. Use a serum for even better nutrients for the skin and repair. 
4. Must use a mask!  
5. Use a moisturizer to prevent moisture loss from skin. Massage to aid blood circulation.
6. Keep your skin moisturized with a water spray while you are out. 

Time saving tips
1. KATE eyebrow powder can also be used as a bronzer or eyeshadow.
2. Can use some left-over blusher (that is on the brush) and dab on the lips. 
3. Use black eyeshadow as eyeliner and focus at the end of your eyes. 
4. Stuff your hair into a hat.
5. Put a towel on your head while blowdrying your hair. Your hair will dry faster. 
6. Pour toner into a spray bottle and spray it evenly on your face. 
7. Mix toner and moisturizer of the same series and apply on the face. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Lower eyelids

Was so bored for the past few days. Trying to shop for stuffs too. haha. Did not buy any popteen mag besides the Jan issue earlier this year. I dun like Mizuki so seeing her appear on cover kinda turns me of buying the June issue. lol. I'm getting so picky nowadays. ( ̄□ ̄;)

Until now I still dun know the term for such a makeup in English, as u can see in the picture, the lower eyelid makeup. It's sort of starting to be fashionable lately to purposely create that illusion that as if u have eye bags, so that it makes ur eye look bigger. I never thought having that sort of 'eye bags' is a good thing. It makes u look like u really did not have enough sleep and makes u look horrible [to me]. Well, I never understand why something just becomes popular anyway. It just happens, does it ?

They make use of highlighter and so there's quite a lot of products they recommended. I always think that highlighter is only for creating that illusion of a high bridge nose. So now I know it has this other use too. But I definitely won't want to create that 'eye bags' look for myself. I do have them sometimes when I'm very tired. I dun see it as having bigger eyes so I'm already trying hard to get rid of it if I can! lol.

And why now then I realized that my light blue eyeshadow [in which I've kept aside for a long time cos I dun really like blue] does not appear as blue on my eyes?? Argh. I feel so upset all of a sudden, it's like a waste of money on that eyeshadow. It's cos of my dark circles in which can't let light colours appear. Sobs. I have them since young and I believe it's hereditary and it's definitely hard to get rid of!! I've bought myself another new concealer just to hide my dark circles. I guess I must have a lot of patience to do that every morning before I went out. I must do it! And also, I have to get strong bright shimmering eyeshadow that will really show its colour and last long!! Now starting to search for it. I'm not gonna use powder ones anymore since their kinda light and not long lasting. yeah, so more stuffs added to my shopping list? haha. xD

Monday, September 10, 2012

Kishidan Banpaku 2012 event on the 17 Sept!

I very happy to know of this news!! 3 of my favourite artistes are going to perform on the same event and on the same date!! ^_^

There are also many other artistes [rock bands especially since it's a rock and roll festival.] but I only know of this 3 whom I loved. Lol~!!! I've seen names like DJ Ozma, VAMPS and Momoiro Clover [from VOCE mag] but I've never heard of their music. Anyway, I dun intend to check them out. Usually most bands' music hardly amazes me. It's really hard for me to find a favourite band music and I dun wanna spend time searching for new ones and go crazy with since I've already found my love. I'll just stick to The GazettE and Golden Bomber~!!! hahaha.

I actually kinda excited to watch this show on video and hopefully we do get to see it! It's Ayu's first time performing and I'm so looking forward to it too. Wonder what songs will she choose to perform? I wanted Because of you cos it's the first rock song I loved so much from Ayu. Well, but Ayu dun really have a lot of rock songs so I really wonder wat songs can she sing. Preferably from RocknRoll Circus album like Microphone? I dun want any classic old songs like SURREAL which she perform most of the time in her concerts so I definitely wanna see Ayu perform those album/underrated songs on such a special festival. Anyway I really wanna see Ayu in the outfit she wore in her RnRC album on that stage~!!

Ok now shall sit and wait for the day to come. haha.

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Cont' on Whitening and Sunblock

It took me quite some time to read and translate some of the info from another section of the VOCE mag. I think the format and the colour of the fonts are kinda hard to read. Anyway, there's really a lot info about whitening and stuff especially the part on 100 Q&A which is too many!! They even talk about laser in which I'm not that interested. haha. Well, but I'm not gonna present all the info, just some of the necessary ones!

Skincare [Translated from a magazine]
✿ If whitening products did not specifically state 'stay away in applying the eye and lip areas', you can apply at those areas if you want.

✿ Mixing SPF 20 and SPF 30 sunblock won't add up to SPF 50 protection!! The effect may also be weakened. And remember to reapply sunblock every few hours.

✿ Most products can last for about 3 years so even if you've opened it for over 6 months, the product's effectiveness/quality will not change.

Using products of the same series would have a better effect than just using one alone out of the whole series. But most importantly is that it achieves whitening effect for you.

✿ Use whitening product that is suitable for your skin type.

✿ The quickest way to whitening for the next day: hydrating mask and massaging scalp → improve blood circulation and therefore skin will look brighter.

✿ Use exfoliating gel to remove dead skin as it will make your skin looks brighter and increase skin absorption power for whitening products.

✿ Whitening products will show its effectiveness after using for about 1 month later.

✿ On cloudy days, UV rays amount are lesser by 20-30% while on rainy days it's lesser by 50-80%.

✿ UV rays can penetrate in water, present at 95%. Therefore must apply sunblock when going for a swim.

✿ Australia UV rays amount is higher than Japan by 5 to 7 times. The beach reflects 25-30% UV rays, while the water reflects 10-20%.

✿ Improper diet may cause skin to darken.

✿ Drinking red tea or green tea is better than putting them on the face.

✿ There's a limit to how far your skin will be fair. It will never be as fair as a baby's. Fair skin attained is due to less black/dark spots.

✿ If you are often under the sun, black moles may form due to UV rays exposure.

✿ Computers and gel nail UV lamp give out very little UV rays so need not worry that it will affect your skin. If you're still worried about it, you can apply sunblock on both hands first before using the gel nail UV lamp .

✿ Eating black-coloured foods such as squid ink or blackberry won't turn your skin darker!

✿ Artificial tanning uses UV-A so it can still be harmful to the skin.

✿ There's no content in the swimming pool that can make your skin fairer.

✿ Do not rub the black spots appearing on the skin as constant rubbing can cause inflammation and may lead to darken of those spots.

✿ Consuming whitening pills will lead to overall whitening of the whole body. Therefore if you want fairer skin for certain areas of the body especially with black spots or dull skin, it is better to apply whitening products.

✿ UV rays is the main cause of skin cancer espeically UV-B. If under the hot sun for 1 hour, UV rays will cause 1 million times of damage on every skin cell. Usually will take 2 days to recover.

✿ As you aged, black spots will still occur even in the absence of UV rays, which is probably due to stress.

✿ Smoking is the greatest enemy to skin whitening!

✿ As under the sun can be the same as sunburn, use a cold towel on the skin to reduce inflammation.

Monday, September 03, 2012

I guess city life is for me afterall...

Went to quite a rural place overseas at a relatives' place in which the environment is so dirty!! I thought it would be a nice place to relax but I got bored very soon. There's nothing I can do there! I thought I can survive without internet, yeah I can but to be there doing nothing is the worst feeling ever! I just ended up keep staring at things as I'm the only youngest person there with no one to talk to. And the life there is just eat and sleep. Oh gosh...

I once thought of going to such rural areas and grow my own vegetable farm and lead a simple life since city life is so stressful. But my experience there made me feel such a decision is a no-no!! Maybe the retired old people would like to live there but as for me, I feel like a good-for nothing. I dun want this kind of life!! I'd rather have some good entertainment watching youtube videos, blogging or something like that in which I'm doing all along. Life can be simple there but it's just too simple!! It's just walking slowly, talking and eating and nothing else!! I feel like I didn't contribute anything significant to this earth at all. And there's simply no interesting life experience at all!! Everyday is the same old routine and so boring. I'd rather be at work, at least I can be doing something meaningful, meeting people and earning money. And I can do shopping!! There's really nothing to shop there and I can't walk around on my own. From there I do realized that I'm really really fond of shopping now. It makes me feel so satisfied and happy able to own things, in which I can never have there. I really can't do without shopping! Life will be so bored to the max. I'd rather be stressed with work [as I'm used to it since young] and can be able to do shopping. Otherwise it's just so not meaningful for me. Like there is nothing to look forward to. So no way!!

Okay, after all my complains. My wish now is to be able to travel around and see the world. I wouldn't wanna stay at the same place all the time. I want a sense of satisfaction and achievement in my life. I dun wanna sit there and do nothing. Anyway, just a little thing that I've done last week:

yes, bookmarks again. haha. I just love to cut and paste them since I dun like some of the old mags I bought [after discovering they have no interesting content somehow]. Might as well make use of it rather than throwing it away. I only did 2 since I feel like doing something for a short break. I'm bad at designing and creating things so probably they dun look very impressive or anything. But still, I think bookmarks like that is quite easy to make and so I prefer to do it. (^_-)- ☆

Last week's newspaper about Jay chou~!

I'm quite slow in realising that he's actually gonna come to sg for the F1 concert. haha but I'm not gonna buy the tickets just to see him. Guess this isn't worth like that. Wonder if there's any fans who bought the tickets cos of him? Think it would be better to get the tickets solely for his own concert. About 2 hours of all his songs is the best entertainment ever! hahaha.